Useful Links
Find out where you get help with repairs and other useful green things.. Did you know you can recycle much more than you thought, from corks to school uniforms, food scraps to electricals.
We have some energy saving advice links as well.
Please note that Newhaven Green Centre is providing links and contact details without prejudice and accepts no responsibility for any of the companies or individuals listed below.
Need a repair?

In the meantime here are some recommendations of places you can get things fixed:
(now lives in Newhaven)
Tel. 07875292000
Sarah Martin Designs (including chair repairs etc):
Southcoast Locksmiths in Newhaven Square:
Courtyard Shoe Repairs:
North Court, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2AR
Tel: 01273 480576
ELECTRICAL REPAIRS: There are lots of phone repairers in Newhaven, Seaford and Peacehaven including igadgetfix in Seaford:
And the iFixit website & app are an excellent source of free information about how to fix lots of electronic devices – and if you need any specialised tools, they can sell them to you cheaply. If you are even slightly handy with a screwdriver, they are worth a look:

Any primary school uniform you can get from the Newhaven Uniform bank or the Uniform lady
And there’s always ebay, Music Magpie and World of Books for second hand online shopping. Music Magpie will even pay you to send them old phones / CDs / laptops too. You can also use for selling items.
You can check the local Freegle & Freecycle groups or Facebook ‘everything free‘ pages.
Any plastic items – including broken toys – we can recycle them through Refactory
Corks – we’re in touch with someone who can take these to Recorked
Spectacles – these can be sent to Peep Eyeware
Empty makeup packaging and containers, toothpaste tubes, body lotion bottles can be taken to Newhaven Sainsburys
Brighton Green Centre has an excellent A to Z page of recycling – with advice on how to recycle things ranging from spectacles to mobile phones.
Soft Plastics – Coops scheme to recycle crisp packets and things like bread wrappers etc.
You can take any extra household refuse or recycling to your local Household Waste Recycling Site. For information about the Newhaven site on New Road, including what they take and opening hours, please visit:…/house…/escc-newhavenhwrs
Dunelm takes all unwanted textiles INCLUDING duvets, pillows and cushions, providing it’s clean.
Tech-Takeback is a scheme where you can take broken electrical items to.
Find them at Pavilion Buildings in Castle Square, Brighton, Wednesdays-Saturdays you can also buy refurbished items at a low cost.
Energy saving advice
Keep warm and well – Government help with heating.
Free Warm Home Check service also offers practical advice and COVID-secure support.
The Energy Savings Trust has some useful advice on draft-proofing you can do if you are in the rental sector.

Fare Share, who do lots of good work in getting food to those who need it.
Community Fridge where you can get food for free.
You can just type in your postcode to find your nearest one.
And if you’re not already, do make use of the council’s food waste collection service where even cooked food can be turned into great fertiliser: