Bring & Take Table
Our Bring & Take Table gives you a chance to share all sorts of bric-a-brac with other people.
We’ve always got an interesting collection of stock and you can take anything you want, or leave anything you’ve got but don’t need any more. Half-finished tins of paint, books with torn covers, a box of staples – it might not be useful to you, but it might be to someone! It’s a bit like Bagpuss’s shop (but without the stories or mice).
Come & browse, and bring anything you want to get rid of. No money changes hands (and there’s no guarantee that anything works), but have a look and you might find just what you need!
You can find the Bring & Take Table wherever you find the Newhaven Green Centre.

What else can I do with my unwanted items?
First of all, any tools in working order (and some other items) can be donated to ‘Tools with a Mission’ or TWAM who will send them to the developing world to help reduce poverty. To see a list of what they will accept visit
There are lots of other ways to get rid of larger items and keep them in circulation, away from landfill and incineration.
It’s usually a good idea to take a photo and write a short description of it then you may find some takers on the following sites:
Olio (you need a smartphone for this)